Senior Citizen total box office collection is ₹69 Lakhs in 6 days. On day 1 it grossed ₹8 lakhs and ₹11 lakhs on day 2. Due to good mouth publicity it made whooping ₹17 lakhs on Sunday. In next three days due to working days it made 13, 11 and 9 lakhs respectively. Film got around 144+ screens with 326+ shows daily. Senior Citizen is directed by Ajay Phansekar with Mohan Joshi in lead role.
Senior Citizen is rated around 2/5 stars by Times of India and 73% by bookmyshow users (37). Which means senior citizen is an average movie. Yesterday, 4 marathi films were released including ‘Berij Vajabaki’, ‘Jawani Zindabad’ and ‘Tuza Durava’. But unfortunately their box office collection is pretty low. Senior Citizen film is about the drug menace among Mumbai youngsters and the threat senior citizens face from such addicts. Film js produced by Madhuri Naganand and Vijaykumar Narang. Abhijit Narvekar has given music. Star cast includes Mohan Joshi, Smita Jayakar, Amruta Pawar, Suyog Gorhe,Vijay Patkar, Ashish Pawar, Sheetal Kshirsagar, Shruti Boradia, Kiran Tambe, Sneha Chavan, Gaurish Shipurkar, Harshal Pawar, and Amol Jadhav.
Major box office zones include Nashik, Pune and Mumbai. Nashik got relatively low screen count. Pune at 28 screens with 53 shows and Mumbai (All) at 48 screens with 185 shows. Senior Citizen box office collection is ₹69 lakhs in 6 days. Stay tuned with Marathi Khabri for more updates.