Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana on DD National smashed all viewship records worldwide, it became most-watched show in the world with 7.7 Crore viewers on April 16, 2020. Now, there’s a good news. Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan is now being dubbed into Marathi. The Marathi dubbed version will premiere on June 1 at 9 PM on Star Pravah.
Satish Rajwade (Programming Head, Star Pravah) said, “Ramayana will now be available in our mother tongue Marathi. I am happy and proud that this is the first time that such a great story and mythological series will air to our stream. How will Prabhuram, Sitamata Laxman, Hanuman look in your language? And how would you feel? We would definitely love to see this. I am sure this series will be equally effective in our Myboli Marathi.”. Stay tuned with Marathi Khabri for exclusive updates.